Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beginning of July Update

Well not much is going on so far in July, I hurt my leg somehow and was told it might be a blood clot from a random Dr. at a health clinic. I went out of my way to go to get an ultrasound to further investigate in the middle of nowhere and it was nothing...needless to say I'm never going back to that health clinic. Missed a day of work for it and now I feel fine. I'm going to try to make it to the Midnight Release party of the final Scott Pilgrim comic book. I sure hope it's a doozy, it's been built up a lot. I know the movie is based on all 6 books. I have 5 so far (the first two of which are signed by Bryan Lee O'Malley, the creator) and waiting to see the outcome of Mr. Pilgrim. I like the fact that it's Canadian and has a lot of gaming and music humor thrown in. Waiting with anticipation has inspired me to scope out some of making of video blogs that Edgar Wright documented while on set. I've also made a little cartoon avatar of myself. This is me as a Scott Pilgrim character:

Well, as if that guy needs any more publicity...his books have probably received enough with this new movie. Something that may need a bit of publicity though is the comedy stylings of Andre Arruda who is appearing in a cool comedy show this Wednesday called the "Anti-Giants of Comedy". Andre was awesome enough to request I do a cartoon of him for the flier. So here's the cartoon I drew of him that he enjoyed enough to post on facebook (he'd always wanted to see himself as a cartoon) and here is the finished flier that has the head of host comedian of the nerds, Gavin Stephens:

That's just some of the work I've been doing lately. In addition to some of my latest comics I've been trying to post (hope you've been keeping up with them) I've also drawn a random pinup of Tara I felt was kinda fun and almost retro looking. Love her x-ray specs, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a pair for myself. Hope you enjoy it:

So that pretty much ends the beginning of July's update so far. Hope you like what I've been doing, and maybe I'll see some of you at these upcoming events!


Distant Horizon said...

Love the pinup, and Tara's pouty face in the last panel of the new comic. I want to squish her. >w<

Gluten-Free Geeky Goodies said...

Awww thanks! LOL! Yeah, it's been fun drawing her lately.