Thursday, February 11, 2010

Guest Art

So every Wednesday night I get together with a clan of the most amazing comic people and chill in the comic store (as it is new comic book day in comic land for those who are unfamiliar) and afterward a select bunch of us may end up going to Tim Horton's to have a donut and shoot the shit. While at a random Timmies I was with my friend Alexandria Proudfoot who happens to have the most gorgeous head of blue hair that reminded me of Tara instantly as soon as I saw her. Naturally we became fast friends and I told her about my comic. She found it, read them all, sent it to a friend and the next time we meet she shows me her drawing skills. I was in awe just watching her draw her version of Tara, Tobey and Jack. She gave me the wonderful drawing she did and I am no doubt adding it to my guest art on my website once it's set up, but for now I will show you the wonderful work here:

I love it! She captured the characters so well! And no doubt earns an eternity of gold stars for adding Jack in the backpack lookin' all adorable. I friggin' love guest art.

If you or anyone you know would like to do guest art for Tom Boy Tara and send it my way, please do! I love seeing the different styles of art people have. You can send it via e-mail to and I'll be sure to post a little tale about it in my blog and give you full credit for it. Love seeing this stuff! Happy drawing!


Distant Horizon said...

I love gold stars! And for all eternity? Whoopee! 8'D

Gluten-Free Geeky Goodies said...

You deserve it dah'ling! I'm treasuring this guest art always!

Distant Horizon said...
